Discuss the need for sharing data among functional areas.

1. Discuss the need for sharing data among functional areas.
2. How does waste increase costs? Give three examples.
3. What is the value of lean manufacturing?
4. What is the objective of EOQ?
5. What are the risks of JIT?
6. Explain the value of being able to respond to hot data.
7. Push-through ads use data about a person to determine whether
the ad should appear. What marketing opportunities does this capabil
ity create?
8. Explain why the SEC requires that filers use XBRL.
9. How can internal controls help to prevent fraud?
10. How do companies allow themselves to become targets for
insider fraud?
11. What are the benefits of prosecuting an employee who has com
mitted fraud against the company?
12. Why might a company not want to prosecute a fraudster?
13. Explain moral hazard. Give a fraud-related example.
14. Fraudsters typically spend the money they steal on luxury items
and vacations. Explain why these items are red flags of fraud.
15. What are three examples of strong internal controls?
16. Discuss how IT facilitates the capital budgeting process.
17. Discuss the role IT plays in auditing.
18. Explain the role and benefits of SaaS in HR management.
19. How does digital technology improve the recruitment process?