Choose a specific piece of art that appears in multiple media forms and make an argument about how and why its medium

Choose a specific piece of art that appears in multiple media forms and make an argument about how and why its medium (which you can consider both the materials and technologies used to create the artwork, as well as the materials, technologies, and contexts that offer you access to the artwork) “shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action.”

The thesis question should be something in line with: How has the newly discovered medium of NFT’s(Non-Fungible Tokens) disrupted the art world by providing a direct platform for digital art ownership and verification?

In this essay you need to directly reference the YouTube video: John Berger / Ways of Seeing , Episode 1 (1972)
Make sure the essay focuses primarily on the idea of art in different mediums digital vs physical, use the example of The First 5,000 Days NFT by Beeple as something that I found truly shocking and evolutionary. Finally you don’t have to agree with all of Berger’s ideas and can challenge them.