What is your initial perspective on why someone should come work for you?

Pitch Assignment

read through all of the following instructions carefully before starting. Then answer the questions and post your video as requested.

1. What is your initial perspective on why someone should come work for you? When you first think about what might motivate someone, what specifically do you have in mind? fill in all five aspects of PAGES with your initial perspective and provide it here.

2. Now consider the perspectives other people in the class might have. What might be the perspective of someone who would not want to work for you? fill in all five aspects of PAGES to articulate how they might be thinking and provide it here. There are multiple possible profiles, and you will almost certainly find it helpful to consider several of them, one at a time. You are not required to write multiple profiles here, but for the sake of your own thinking it is likely to be useful to consider.

3. What might the perspective be of someone who wants to work for you, but who is not you (i.e., they have a different perspective than the one you provided in question 1)?  fill in all five aspects of PAGES to indicate how they might be thinking and provide it here. Again, there are multiple profiles and you are likely to find it helpful to consider them one at a time. And again, you are not required to write multiple profiles here.

4. Now let’s consider whether the first type of people, those who might not want to work for you, could be encouraged to change their perspective. Perhaps you could say something that would lead them to adopt the perspective you noted in question 3 (of someone who wants to work for you). Or perhaps you could generate yet another appealing perspective that would interest those you imagined in both questions 2 and 3. Either way, please write out the key aspects of PAGES (it need not be every aspect) for the perspective you think would get everyone or nearly everyone in the class to want to come work for you. Then provide a clear explanation for why you think this perspective would be broadly compelling.

5. What can you say or present in your video to encourage your peers to adopt the desired perspective? We will answer that question in two steps. First, can you lead them to experience one of the cues that could prompt them to consider changing their perspectives?  write out one cue and provide a clear explanation for how you might use it to get people to be open to changing their perspectives on working for you.

6. Second, is there a thinking tool you can use that might help guide people to change their perspectives to the compelling perspective you are hoping they adopt?  write out one tool and provide a clear explanation for how you might use it to guide people to change their perspectives in the desired way.

7. With these considerations as a starting point, go ahead and generate the script or storyboard for your video. Then, here, provide a clear description of what you decided to say and to show in the video, and the provide a clear explanation for why you chose to do that.