What are the three compounds/molecules you modeled this week? Where did you find their critical point data?

Answer the following questions with respect to your completed excel data from this week. Answer to the best of your ability, sometimes you are being asked what you think. Cite any resources that you use.


  1. What are the three compounds/molecules you modeled this week? Where did you find their critical point data?
  1. Are gases expected to act less ideal at high or low pressure? Why?
  1. How did the “idealness” of each gas change with increasing pressure? How about increasing molar volume? Does this make sense?
  1. Which of your three gases behaved the most ideally? What data did you use to come to that conclusion? What physical properties of that gas might indicate that it would have behaved the most ideally (size, polarity, etc)?
  1. Which of your three gases behaved the least ideally? What data did you use to come to that conclusion? What physical properties of that gas might indicate that it would have behaved the least ideally (size, polarity, etc)?