Based on the exercise testing results, if applicable, are there any considerations regarding the safety of exercise training for this individual?

Physical Examination Results

Blood pressure 130/80 mmHg, resting heart rate 70 beats · min−1, height 71 in. (190 cm), weight 230 lb
(104 kg) with 27% body fat (skinfold)

Blood Chemistry Test Results

Last HbA1c = 7.8% (normal 4%6%); cholesterol 200 mg · dL−1; LDLc 130 mg · dL−1; HDLc 35 mg ·
dL−1; triglycerides 160 mg · dL−1; microalbuminuria

Other Clinical Diagnostic Test Results

No other tests were conducted.

Exercise Test Results

No abnormal electrocardiogram changes, maximum blood pressure 180/83 mmHg, maximum heart rate
150 beats · min−1, V̇O2max 25.5 mL · kg−1 · min−1, blood glucose before test 180 mg · dL−1

Discussion Questions

a. Are there any results from the physical examination or blood chemistry or other diagnostic test results that may influence any recommendations for exercise or physical activity?

b. Based on the exercise testing results, if applicable, are there any considerations regarding the safety of exercise training for this individual?