Discuss various strategies for maintaining your academic integrity as you write a final report.

3.1 Describe several essential components of a good research report,
including discussions of

(a) the research problem,

(b) method(s)

(c) obtained data and analyses of them,

(d) interpretations of the

(e) possible weaknesses of the study, and

(f) relevance to a broader
13.2 Discuss various strategies for maintaining your academic integrity as
you write a final report.
13.3 Explain the nature of possible front matter and end matter in a report.
13.4 Describe two or more distinctly different organizational schemes for a
research report.
13.5 Identify effective strategies for
(a) writing a good report within
a reasonable time frame and
(b) critiquing a first draft.
13.6 Explain possible means by which you can present your research findings to people who are unlikely to read an unpublished research report