What is one critique of socialization the

Respond to two of the following questions using full sentences and referencing the textbook. When you’re finished, respond to two of your peer’s posts.

1. Allen (1996) explains: “My lived experiences as a member of oppressed groups reveal aspects of the social order that previously have not been exposed” (p. 267). What are some aspects of identity that organizations may neglect to consider? If you were to write about the process of socialization into an organization from your perspective, what might we learn?

2. What is one critique of socialization theory from the reading? Provide an example. Do you agree or disagree with this critique.

3. What is Feminist Standpoint Theory? Describe how Allen uses this method to analyze socialization. In what other organizational contexts could we productively use FST?

4. From the Dougherty & Smythe reading, how can certain organizational cultures make organizations more susceptible to sexual harassment? What best practices would you recommend to these organizations?

5. What are two specific examples of sub-cultures in organizations? How can sub-cultures enhance and conflict with dominant organizational culture?