What is the probability (expressed in percent) that the distance is actually more than 33.5 miles?

1. After measuring the distance on a map between two
cities several times, it was decided that the distance was
35 miles with a standard deviation of 3 miles. What is
the probability (expressed in percent) that another mea-
surement of the distance would be more than 38 miles?
What is the probability (expressed in percent) that the
distance is actually more than 33.5 miles?
2. In driving from Columbia to Tulsa, several different
routes can be taken:
 Route A was calculated as taking 7 hours with a
standard deviation of one-half hour.
 Route B was calculated as taking seven and one-half
hours with a standard deviation of one-quarter hour.
a. What is the probability (expressed in percent)
that the trip can be completed in less than seven
and one-half hours on route A?
b. What is the probability (expressed in percent)
that the trip can be completed in less than seven
and one-half hours on route B?
c. What is the probability (expressed in percent)
that the trip will take more than seven and three-
quarters hours on route A? on route B?
3. The weather person said the high for the next day will
be 85°F. What the forecaster meant was that the pre-
dicted high will be 85°F with a standard deviation of
4 degrees. That is, the mean probability of reaching 85°F
is 50 percent.
 What is the chance of having a high of 90°F?
______ percent
 What is the chance of a high of only 74°F?
______ percent