Explain at least three decisions you made in shaping your assignment. Describe a challenge you encountered and how you overcame it.

Photo essay

Check out some examples of photo essays online. Media outlets like The New York Times and Time magazine share a variety of examples.
Create a photo array of 6-9 photos that appropriately captures your topic. Since you were likely not taking photos at any of these events, you will have to research online for images. As this is a school project, not for profit, you will not have to pay royalties, but be sure to credit the photos you choose using proper MLA format. Check out the MLA Citation Guide to review the MLA citation style that you’ve been using throughout the course.
Aim to narrate a story with your photo essay. Include a title or write a caption for each photo. Think about the overall message(s) you want to convey with your photo essay about the chosen topic and make deliberate choices with your selection and arrangement of photos and title/captions to build the message(s). What do you want your audience to take away from your photo essay?

Why you decided on this topic.
A brief description of the events you are portraying, which should include your research – reason, name of organization, date and place, and other relevant information.
Explain at least three decisions you made in shaping your assignment.
Describe a challenge you encountered and how you overcame it.
For this assignment, you will need to submit your photo essay or podcast and your artist’s statement.