Based on your experience, you can perhaps share some practical solutions from working life reflecting the theoretical framework(s) and marketing processes.

3.3 – Marketing Plan: Market Segmentation (Target Market) & Positioning Map

Remember the various segmentation methods your readings discussed: geographic, demographic/socioeconomic, psychographic, behavior, and needs-based segmentation.

Also, recall that positioning refers to the way in which customers perceive your product offering relative to the competition.

Do the following:
• Consider how best to segment the market based on one (or more) of the following methods: Geographic; Demographic/Socioeconomic; Psychographic; Behavior; Needs-Based segmentation.

• Determine which target market or markets your company is best positioned to serve.

• Describe the profile of your primary target market.

• Consider the needs of your target market and establish a positioning strategy.
• Craft a positioning map to visually display the key benefits and competitive alternatives.