How to stop our phones from tracking us:Government,industry must take up fight to end surveillance capitalism by Navneet Alang of Toronto Star

How to stop our phones from tracking us:Government,industry must take up fight to end surveillance capitalism by Navneet Alang of Toronto Star

It is a research-driven critique essay with 1200-1500 words.

Guidelines and Reminders:

Provide an Introduction that briefly identifies and contextualizes the primary source and its issue, enough that someone unfamiliar with the source and issue is able to follow your essay without any difficulty.

Within the Introduction, provide a thesis (a clear overall statement of your critical evaluation in one or two sentences).

Provide a full summary of the primary source.

Develop your thesis in the Body of your essay by explaining (with examples) how and why the primary source is (or is not) cogent and effective (argument) or significant and timely (narrative). (Cogency, effectiveness, significance and timeliness are possible criteria–others are discussed in the unit.)

Make sure to organize the points in the Body section, grouping similar ideas together and sequencing them so that the reader can follow your ideas easily.

Write coherent Body Paragraphs by using topic sentences, transitions, and connective words.

Cite the sources frequently with properly documented quotations and paraphrases—support every point you make with one or more examples from relevant sources.

Refer to secondary sources that are trustworthy and relevant in order to develop your argument.

Explain all quotations and paraphrases (never assume your reader knows exactly how you are interpreting lines from the text).

Provide a Conclusion in which you sum up your thesis in new words and provide a sense of closure and finality.”