What kind of crops were grown and what kinds of animals were raised in the Alpine Copper Age.

Read the following and answer the Research questions Your total writing should be at least 300 words

Research and Discussion Question for Cave Paintings reading
1. Describe and the explain the significance in terms of material culture of two of the
following examples of early human art: the Venus of Willendorf in Austria, Altamira cave
paintings in Spain, Cueva de las Manos in Argentina, Coldstream Burial Stone in South
Africa, Cosquer and Chauvet caves in France, Arnhem Land, Mt. Borradaile area in
Australia, and Marang Mountains of eastern Borneo, Indonesia.

Research and Discussion Questions for Ötzi and the Copper Age reading
1. How was Ötzi mummified?
2. What objects were traded and how did trade function in the Alpine Copper Age?
3. What kind of crops were grown and what kinds of animals were raised in the Alpine Copper