Define what kind(s) of alcohol use you are talking about ( and include both moderate use and heavy or binge drinking). Discuss what you mean by “burden”.

Health burden of Alcohol Use

Define what kind(s) of alcohol use you are talking about ( and include both moderate use and heavy or binge drinking).
Discuss what you mean by “burden”.
Discuss how male and female drinking patterns are similar/different citing sources
For A, if you are focusing ONLY on the US (be sure to cite the Wilsnack “Gender differences in Binge Drinking” lit review as well as some data source– BRFSS data from Week 4 or other data– let me know if you want some help with wrangling sources)
For B, be sure to discuss the WHO Global Status report on Alcohol and Health even if you also touch on the Burden of Alcohol article.
Address the implications of these drinking patterns for men and women’s burdens of alcohol use over a lifetime:
You may also want to discuss the WHO report or the Burden of Disease publication about alcohol
The Alcohol Related Disease Impact tool might also be helpful/interesting to look at if you want to get beyond the article: