Locate each of the following services on the service delivery system matrix

1. Classify the following services by their degree of customer contact (high, medium, or low). Also, determine how much uncertainty the customer introduces into the
service delivery system by the ability to make custom
ized service demands (high, medium, or low).
a. Check clearing in a bank

b. Bank teller

c. Bank loan officer

2. Locate each of the following services on the service
delivery system matrix:
a. Vending machine

b. Housecleaning service

c. Appliance repair

3. How do the managerial tasks differ among the services
described in question 2?

4. Describe the service-product bundle for each of the
following services:

a. Hospital

b. Lawyer

c. Trucking firm

5. Critique the customer contact model. What are its

strengths and weaknesses?

6. Identify the front office and back office services for the

following organizations. Could these services be

improved by increasing or decreasing the degree of

customer contact? By separating low- and high-contact


a. Hospital

b. Trucking firm

c. Grocery store

d. Appliance repair firm

7. Define a possible service guarantee for each of the

following services:

a. College classes

b. A theater performance

c. Buying a used car

8. Give an example of the service-profit chain for movie

theaters. Define each of the components in the chain

and explain how you would measure each.

9. Why is the service-profit chain important to operations


10. Find some service guarantees in everyday life and bring

them to class for discussion.

11. What attributes are required of a service guarantee to

make it effective?

12. What are the pros and cons of having a service


13. How can we use the service delivery system matrix to

improve service operations?

14. What does it mean for a service firm to outsource some

of its services?

15. What key factors are most firms seeking when they

offshore services?