Brainstorm solutions: What can we do to address this problem? How can it be solved? Reduced? Policy proposal? Community awareness/action? Website? Education? Generate LOTS of ideas – at least fifteen. Be creative!

Write an analysis (700 word minimum) addressing 1 – 7 below explaining your findings. See attached Rubric for grading.

1. Research and explain the problem:

Using the sources from Part 1: LIBRARY VISIT, explain your findings regarding the social issue that needs addressing. Be sure to address the following questions: What is the problem? How serious is it in your community? Whose responsibility is it to handle this problem? (Government, non-profit agencies, family members, community?) Why does this problem exist? What social issue does it concern? Cite your research from Part I using APA or MLA formatting.

2. Research through experience. Take action regarding your social issue. (See highlighted text below) Ex. Volunteer in a soup kitchen, perform a park cleanup, visit a nursing home, read/tutor/coach students, create and distribute an informative flier, inform others about sustainable living, help at a local boys and girls club, collect donations for local animal shelter, etc. to learn more about the issues and some potential solutions. (In light of the current pandemic taking place, you may draw upon a past service you have participated in, do a service that doesn’t require you going out and interacting with others, or make a plan for a service you will do at a future date).

After completing step 2, answer the following questions: How did/would you contribute? What did/could you learn from your experience? How did/would you feel about the contribution you made/will make?

3. Brainstorm solutions: What can we do to address this problem? How can it be solved? Reduced? Policy proposal? Community awareness/action? Website? Education? Generate LOTS of ideas – at least fifteen. Be creative!

4. Evaluate solutions. Which solution is the best? Propose a solution you could conceivably take part in: What are the advantages/disadvantages to this solution. Who would be responsible for carrying out this solution?

5. Develop an action plan: How could you carry out your solution? How can you gain support? How might you deal with conflict?

6. Identify what critical and creative problem-solving skills were utilized for this project and discuss how these skills were transferred beyond a classroom exercise.

7. Reflection: “ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” (Margaret Mead) What did you learn from this experience regarding civic responsibility?