Which counseling approach did you choose and why?  How did you adapt the microskills to align with your chosen counseling theory? 

Written Reflection

After each partner has had the opportunity to play both roles, make sure the feedback form is shared in a timely manner.  Each student should submit their own reflection on their experience.  Reflections should address each the following in paragraph form:

  • Growth Reflection:  How did you feel conducting the final interview session?  How did this experience compare to your other two role-play sessions?  Describe the similarities and differences.  Describe your growth and development over time.
  • Counseling Theory Application:  Which counseling approach did you choose and why?  How did you adapt the microskills to align with your chosen counseling theory?  Was this approach/theory effective with the client?  Why or why not?
  • Five-Stage Counseling Session:
    • Empathic Relationship: How did you establish a rapport and structure with the client based on your approach and the topic of concern? What microskills and attending behaviors did you utilize?
    • Story and Strengths:  What microskills did you use to collect information (client stories, concerns, problems, or issues)?
    • Goals: What were the goals of this session, both for you and the client?
    • Restory:  What theories and microskills did you use to help your client see a new perspective?
    • Action:  What microskills did you use to plan for or help your client take action?
  • Microskills Competence Levels:  Assess your microskills competence levels.  Your ability to understand and process “where you are” and discuss yourself is necessary for personal and professional growth.
    • What skills have you mastered, and what do you need to do next?
    • Summarize your strengths and identify the areas that need further development.
    • What did you like and not like about your work in this role-play and throughout the course?
    • Summarize the feedback you received from your partner and compare that to your own self-assessment.
  • Professional Application:  To conclude, discuss how you might apply the skills and concepts you have learned throughout this course in your current or future professional work.  Briefly discuss your professional goals, and describe how these skills and concepts can be utilized in your desired role(s).