How Was Apartheid Used to Prevent Black South Africans From Gaining Power? Background Essay: An Introduction1

How Was Apartheid Used to Prevent Black South Africans From Gaining
Background Essay: An Introduction1
Nelson Mandela was born the son of a tribal chieftain on July 18, 1918, at Qunu in South Africa. He
renounced his right to succeed his father and instead chose a political career. He attended college, became a
lawyer, joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944 and helped found its powerful Youth League
In 1962, South African police arrested him for his opposition to the white government and its apartheid. In
1964, the government brought further charges including sabotage, high treason and conspiracy to overthrow
the government. The documents in the investigation packet (with the exception of the one table included)
come from Mandela’s statement at the opening of his defense at his trial on April 20, 1964.
On June 11, 1964, at the conclusion of the trial, Mandela was found guilty on four charges of sabotage and was
sentenced to life imprisonment. He began his sentence in the notorious Robben Island Prison, a
maximum-security prison on a small island off the coast near Cape Town. A worldwide campaign to free
Mandela began in the 1980s and resulted in his release on February 11, 1990, at age 71, after 27 years in
prison. In 1993, Mandela shared the Nobel Peace Prize with South Africa’s President F.W. de Klerk for their
peaceful efforts to bring a non-racial democracy to South Africa. In 1994, most Black South Africans voted for
the first time in their lives and elected Mandela the president of South Africa.
Background Essay Questions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. What is the African National Congress? (outside inquiry might be required)
The african National Congress is a political party in south africa that is known for its opposition to
2. What were 3 charges brought against Nelson Mandela in 1964?
3 charges that were brought to nelson mandela in 1964 were sabotage to south africa
3. What contributed to Mandela’s release on February 11, 1990?
A worldwide campaign to free Nelson Mandela contributed to his release on february 11, 1990.
4. Why were Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.