Relate the things you learned in this class with what you learned in the podcast.

(100%) Learn about data science from the command line
We have learned a lot about Jupyter notebooks in this course, yet there are a lot of other tools that should (and will) be in the
quiver of the working data scientist.
You will learn about such tools in this interactive recording of a live stream that is an interview / live coding with Jeroen Jannsens
a data science consultant and author of the book Data Science at the Command Line.
You will watch the video of the podcast Talk Python[‘Podcast’] Episode #392 Data Science from the Command Line, De-
cember 2, 2022: where the host and guest discuss and review some different patterns in the data science toolchain.
You can listen to / watch the show from one of the links below (there are others (i.e. Apple Podcasts) if you search):
• (main page) Talk Python[‘Podcast’] Episode #392
• (mp3 direct) MP3 file direct download
• (youtube) YouTube: Talk Python[‘Podcast’] Episode #392
§ Task: Listen to the podcast and answer the following 4 questions:
1. Summarize the episode in 3-5 sentences.
2. List 5 detailed things you learned from this episode.
3. Relate the things you learned in this class with what you learned in the podcast.
You should list at least 3 things to get full points for this question