On which ONE historical, social, or political event, time period, or incident, did MUSIC have the greatest impact and/or positive influence?

Recapping the content we covered this semester and using the same A) B) format (-10 pts. not using A) B) format):

  1. On which ONE historical, social, or political event, time period, or incident, did MUSIC have the greatest impact and/or positive influence?  (13 pts.)


  1. Give specific examples, covered this semester, of songs, composers, and/or forms of music during this same ONE historical event from question A) that were part of this positive influence.

(12 pts)

Go to the MOD 9 COURSE OUTLINE FOLDER for a complete listing of this semester’s content; this will help you choose appropriate events, time periods, and historical events. Remember, this question focuses on MUSIC having the positive impact / influence on an events or period, not the event or period influencing Music.