How have these perspectives changed and what might have caused these changes? What groups have been influential in the response to the problem? How has social work responded to the problem?

Social Issue/Problem and Policy Identification

This assignment involves your analysis of a policy developed to address a social problem or issue. It has you discuss the values that are involved in the policy and its relationship to human rights as well as its effectiveness in addressing the specific problem.
In selecting a policy, you can take any local, state, or federal policy and use any issue. As an example, if you are interested in domestic violence or human trafficking, search for specific policies that relate to these problems. You are asked to discuss the problems and how well the policy addresses it.
Be a little creative in your searches and a little flexible in the policy you choose. Always easier to start your career with a policy where there is easily accessible information.
Papers are to be 7-8 pages and use APA style. Papers must be double spaced. Points will be deducted for spelling and grammatical errors. References are required and must not include the required readings for the class. Papers are due at the last class.

A) Introduction (2-3 sentences) of what you are going to discuss and why (5 points)

B) Issue/ Problem overview
Identify a social issue/problem
How many are affected? What specific groups are impacted?
What are the effects of the problem/issue?
What is the present perspective on this problem?

C) History of social issue/problem
What is the history of this particular problem? When was it first identified? How has it been viewed historically?
What specific human rights are impacted by this problem?
Discuss the values and interests (economic, political, cultural) that have influenced the perception of the problem
How have these perspectives changed and what might have caused these changes?
What groups have been influential in the response to the problem?
How has social work responded to the problem?

D) Policy Dealing with Issue
What are the goals of the policy with regards to this problem?
How does the present policy view eligibility? What benefits are offered? Are benefits sufficient to meet needs?
What gaps do you see in the current policy?
How does the policy respond to the oppression of specific groups?
Are there any unintended consequences of the policy?
E) Outcomes/impact of policy
What have been the outcomes?
How does the policy relate to human rights….is it supportive or unsupportive? Explain your view.
How is the policy funded? Are funds sufficient to make it effective?
Overall, how effective is the policy in solving the specific social problem?

(in terms of sources there is no number, as long as every statement comes from a source and that source is indicated)