Given your planned measurement approach, what access to data and resources will you require? Name any external resources, such as specialty agencies or software, that you will require

You are on the Country States project team as its Analytics and Measurement Lead. You are not there to critique the strategy or the creative approach; but rather, to help optimize its implementation and evaluate its success at the 6month mark and then again at the end of the year.
Therefore, you are to design and develop a measurement approach to capture analytics about the campaign to determine the key metrics that will help you and your team learn about the inprogress performance of the campaign, make realtime adjustments and to ultimately understand if the strategy
and creative execution were successful.
Your paper will need to respond to and address the following prompts. You should expect, on average,
to write one typed page, in 12point Times New Roman font doublespaced, for each prompt. (You may exceed that if necessary.)

1. If the goal of the campaign is to build Country States’ business with the acquisition of new clients
and the expansion of services with existing clients, what are three objectives that you would
state that would be measured? Explain your rationale for each objective.

2. Which metrics, at a high level, would you define against each of the three objectives? How will
you determine causal metrics vs. correlative ones? What metrics would you deliberately avoid, if
any? How do these metrics relate to each other?

3. Which competitor companies would you benchmark against and why? How many competitors would you benchmark against and why? Are there any other historical campaigns from other companies that have taken a similar contrarian approach compared to those in their category that you will also use as a benchmark for this?
How will you assess reach? What models will you use to establish appropriate KPIs and benchmarks for reach?
How will you evaluate engagement? Within engagement, how will you determine positive, negative and neutral sentiment? How well you prevent inaccuracies in their area? What models will you use to establish appropriate KPIs and benchmarks for sentiment?
What process would you use to gauge purchase intent? How will you identify what contributed to a new client signup or a “sale” of a new service to an existing client? How might you attribute any new signups or sales to the marketing campaign vs. to other factors?
How will you filter out any activity that results from the presence of bots? How will you highlight the presence of bot activity and its impact to the overall campaign?
What metrics will you use to measure impact within social media? How does your social media measurement approach change from platform to platform (across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.)?
How will you assess the impact of the public relations (PR) efforts to overall performance?
Given your planned measurement approach, what access to data and resources will you require? Name any external resources, such as specialty agencies or software, that you will require