Discuss why you think this idea was assigned in any Ethics class and this class in particular.

Based on this first reflection, the Analytic Revision and Expansion will have its own instructions and will serve as your final paper in the class.

I. Outline for Reflection Writers

Part 1: Define

Define the big idea, key concept, or terminology. Include important examples and counterexamples used by our authors. ONLY use references from our course materials. Parenthetical references are fine; no bib needed. You may draw from any of the readings included in our first unit.

Part 2: Reflect on place in class

Discuss why you think this idea was assigned in any Ethics class and this class in particular.

Part 3: Impact

Explain why you chose to focus on this idea and what is important about it to you. Write in the first person and as if you are trying to explain the impact of this idea. You may want to also raise questions or describe possibilities for applying this idea.