. Calculate the actual beat frequency of the sound wave using equation 2.

Part 1 Measuring the Frequency of a Tuning Fork
1. Select one tuning fork from the video links above.
2. Record the tuning fork frequency from the name of the video.
3. Watch the video
a. Watch the video and count how many cycles were highlighted. One cycle is the
measurement from peak to peak.
b. Example: One cycle is marked on the graph below.
c. The computer will measure the time of the highlighted area. This is located at the
bottom left of the screen, denoted at Δt. Record the Δt for the highlighted area.
4. Calculate the frequency of the sound wave using equation 1.
5. Calculate the percent error.
6. Repeat this experiment for a second tuning fork.
Part 2 Measuring the Beat Frequency of two Tuning Forks
1. Select one beat combination from the video links above.
2. Record the two tuning fork frequencies from the name of the video.
3. Watch the video
a. Watch the video and count how many beat cycles were highlighted.
b. Example: One beat cycle is marked on the graph below.

c. The computer will measure the time of the highlighted area. This is located at the

bottom left of the screen, denoted at Δt. Record the Δt for the highlighted area.
4. Calculate the actual beat frequency of the sound wave using equation 2.
5. Calculate the experimental beat frequency using equation 3.
6. Calculate the percent error.
7. Repeat this experiment for another beat combination.
Analysis Questions
1. List and comment on the percent errors of the two tuning forks. Which tuning fork had a lower
percent error? What could account for error in measurement?
2. List and comment on the percent errors of the two beat frequencies. Which combinations of tuning forks had a lower present error? What could account for error in measurement