Create a digital poster board presentation (e.g. Canva, Prezi, PowerPoint, SlideShare, etc.) of an African-American who contributed knowledge to and/or made a positive impact in social welfare, which must be chosen from the list provided.

Choose a person and do digital posterboard about them while answering the following questions

SOCIAL WELFARE PIONEER POSTER BOARD PRESENTATION (20%): Each student is expected to create a digital poster board presentation (e.g. Canva, Prezi, PowerPoint, Slide Share, etc.) of an African-American who contributed knowledge to and/or made a positive impact in social welfare, which must be chosen from the list provided. The digital poster board must be recorded and uploaded to Blackboard. The presentation must discuss the following:

  • The impact/influence of the knowledge in the urban community
  • The impact/influence of the knowledge on service delivery in the urban community
  • Th impact/influence of the knowledge on polices affecting vulnerable populations in the urban community.

***Use photographs and other visual aids to make your Poster Board interesting