Develop and implement a behavior intervention plan that is based on the data obtained in the functional behavioral assessment and is likely to create lasting behavior change.

General Overview: Select THREE of the following targeted behaviors for reduction and create a 10-minute powerpoint presentation (video or voice over) that details the steps you would take to conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA). You can use hypothetical scenarios to support your demonstration of ideas. Please keep in mind that the purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate your underestanding of the FBA process and your ability to gather pertinent information, gather relevant data, and access research to inform treatment.
Choices for targeted behaviors for reduction:
head banging
eye gouging
skin picking
pica (eating nonnutritious items)
skin rubbing
Physical aggression
head banging
hand flapping
verbal stereotypy
Task Refusal
Inappropriate sexual behaviors
Fecal smearing
Property destruction

Next, based on your understanding of the target behaviors, address the following points that pertain to essential FBA elements:
Clerarly define the target behavior in observable, measurable terms
Gather data using multiple sources to better understand the function of the behavior as well as antecedents that serve to strengthen or weaken the behavior. Please describe in detail the assessments you would use to inform this process
Complete a behavior pathway summary and form a hypothesis about the function and conditions under which the behavior is likely/not likely to occur. Please describe the steps you would take to formulate a hypothesis (i.e., assessments, what questions would you ask, what steps would you take?)
Develop and implement a behavior intervention plan that is based on the data obtained in the functional behavioral assessment and is likely to create lasting behavior change. Please utilize peer reviewed articles and detail what a evidence based treatment is effective for the targeted behaviors you chose. Remember APA citations.