Develop a final-cut sequence diagram, including the view layer and data access classes.

Create UML diagrams from the Sequence Diagram provided

1. Design Class Diagram

Develop a first-cut design class diagram based on the sequence diagram above. (For each class, includes 5 attributes and 3 methods)

2. Final-cut Sequence Diagram

Develop a final-cut sequence diagram, including the view layer and data access classes.

3. Package Diagram

Develop a package diagram showing the view layer, domain layer, and data access layer packages.

4. Communication Diagram

Develop a first-cut communication diagram that only includes the actor and problem domain classes.

5. Bidirectional Association

Choose 2 classes from the class diagram above and write a possible structural source code. The classes may have any of the following: one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many.