If you were looking at epigenetic changes in a cancer cell line, what type of epigenetic marks would you expect in the gene for p53 (a tumor suppressor) vs. RAS (a growth factor)?

1)If you were looking at epigenetic changes in a cancer cell line, what type of epigenetic marks would you expect in the gene for p53 (a tumor suppressor) vs. RAS (a growth factor)?

2 ou’re studying Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that switches between an actively growing tachyzoite stage and a dormant bradyzoite stage while in the human host (you can trigger this change in the lab using pH stress). Outline how you would use one the techniques we discussed (Ribosome Profiling, Punch-P, or Sunset) to determine differences in translation between the two stages.

3 Translation Regulation Research a riboswitch. What does its aptamer bind and what does its expression platform do?