What do you believe the board will decide? To keep the for-profit tax status or change it to a not-for-profit tax status?

Not for profit tax status in a hospital?

  • Review and study Chapters 4 and 5 in the textbook (Nowicki, 2022).
  • Review and study the PowerPoints posted on Blackboard.
  • Use critical thinking skills and metacognition when you read the Mini-Case Study in the textbook, p. 83:
    • Imagine you are a tax attorney and consultant to Doctor’s Hospital (a for-profit, physician-owned hospital). You are scheduled to present to the Board of Directors the advantages of converting the hospital to not-for-profit tax status.
      • As the tax attorney and consultant, what are your arguments for converting the hospital to a not-for-profit tax status? Expound on whether it is more beneficial for the hospital to change its tax status or remain the same. Provide references to support your rationale.
      • What do you believe the board will decide? To keep the for-profit tax status or change it to a not-for-profit tax status?
  • Write a 1-2-page paper in APA (2020) format, create a thesis statement relative to health financial management, and answer the research questions listed above in the Mini-Case Study. Include a cover page, a reference page, and three peer-reviewed references, and use the textbook. The paper should follow the SESC format of state, explain, support, and conclude; see the Sample Paper posted in this course.
  • Review the Rubric to maximize points.