Who determines the punishment for people who violate a law? Explain how votes will be decided.

Read the short text below and answer the following questions under ”Task” for PART 1 & PART 2.

There is also an example you can follow which is written down below as well. Please make sure all work is original and unique (no plagiarism). Thank you.

Drop Box

Survivor Island
A group of teenagers were taking a flight to the Caribbean, when suddenly, their pilot suffered a heart attack while they were mid flight. They spiraled out of the sky and crashed in the ocean close to a deserted island. Fortunately, they survived the impact, but were only able to rescue a few items from the sinking plane before it exploded. These items included: a first aid kid, two gallons of water, a blanket, a box of matches, three chocolate bars, two sandwiches, 30 snack-size bags of peanuts and some plastic dishes (two knives, three forks, three plates, and two cups).

You and your peers are extremely hopeful that you will be rescued soon. However, you have no idea how long that rescue will take considering the fact that you have no contact with the outside world. How are you and your friends going to survive until you get rescued? What do you need to do in order to ensure everyone’s survival?

Your Task:

Part 1: You must create a “Lucky Teen Criminal Code of Survival.” This Code should have a preamble (explanatory introduction) of a few sentences to introduce the code, explaining its purpose and intent.

This should be followed by the code itself: 10 “laws”/rules to live by for the island, the reason why for each rule, and the punishment for violating each rule. Avoid repetition.

EXAMPLE: (You cannot repeat/use this one)

Law #1: The toilet duties will be shared between everyone and when the hole is half full it must be covered and a new hole dug nearby but no closer than 50 metres to our living quarters.

Reason: Having the facilities 50 metres or more away from living area will help eliminate the flies and smell. The shared duties allow the area to always stay as sanitary as possible and help eliminate diseases.

Punishment: You will dig the next hole at least 1 metre deep alone when the current one is full.

Part 2: Once you have finished creating the code, answer the following questions:

  • How will you decide what the laws will be? Explain why this is the method you think is best.
  • Who determines the punishment for people who violate a law? Explain how votes will be decided.