What is its importance to our lives, our culture, the economy, the government, some of the people, all of the people? In short, why does your topic matter?

What is its importance to our lives, our culture, the economy, the government, some of the people, all of the people? In short, why does your topic matter? It’s that last part that will show the depth of your understanding of your topic. You will have to know about your “noun’s” time and place in history to establish why it is important in the scheme of things.

You will be expected to use at least eight scholarly sources in this work. However, you will see that eight sources will probably not be enough to really get to the meat of your paper. We will be reading FAB essays, and good research is king when producing a great paper, as you will see as you look at the winners’ works cited pages. The essay should be eight to ten pages, typed, double-spaced, and use MLA documentation