Why were these specific tests conducted? (what do they tell you about the data in relation to the study questions?)

General Info: The Student Nurse Stress Index (SNSI). This instrument (survey) measures the concept (variable) called nursing student stress. The Student Nurse Stress Index (SNSI) was created by Martyn Jones and Derek Johnston (1999) as a measurement of the perceived sources of stress for nursing students. There are 22 questions (items) in the instrument that represent 4 different types of sources that can create stress for nursing students: 1. Academic Load, 2. Clinical Concerns, 3. Personal Problems, and 4. Interface Worries.

https://www.psychdata.com/s.asp?SID=196510 – This is a link of the survey to see what the questions look like, which are asked for students to fill out!!!

This assignment will allow the student to apply the final phase of the research process by examining research results applicable to nursing practice. This phase is important because it provides the researcher the mechanism for relating the results to the research question (Total possible points = 20). Using the results from the Student Nurse Stress Index (SNSI) data tables and article, summarize the data analysis addressing all the questions below. 

Results from our school from survey:

Total SNSI score: 69

Academic Load: 25.8

Clinical Concerns: 18.5

Personal Problems: 11.8

Interface Worries: 21.8

  1. a. List the data analysis procedures (what statistical tests were conducted with the data [chi-square, ANOVA, regression, etc.]).
  2. Why were these specific tests conducted? (what do they tell you about the data in relation to the study questions?)
  3. Your summary paper should be written using narrative paragraph(s). Do not use a Question/Answer format.
  4. Use APA formatting, including citations and references. The page limit for the assignment is 4 pages: one cover page, 2 pages of content, and a reference page.
  5. Use rubric, which is attached.