How many paperclips can you pick up with the electromagnet. Do you think this is more or less than you would be able to pick up with a regular magnet?

  1. What happens when you bring the electromagnet near a paperclip?
  2. What happens when you touch this magnetized steel object to a second object?
  3. What happens when you stop the flow of electric current through the coil of the electromagnet?
  4. Why does the coil get hot while current is flowing through it?
  5. How many paperclips can you pick up with the electromagnet. Do you think this is more or less than you would be able to pick up with a regular magnet?
  6. Uncoil some of the turns of wire and try again. Do you notice a difference? If so, what is it?

Concluding Everyday Life Task:

  1. Name two examples from your personal daily life where you see a phenomenon like this. Please try not to give standard examples as given in the textbook but make it a personal challenge to discover new examples in your daily life!