Explain the process of fusion between these atoms that occurs in all stars.

C) Kepler-186f’s central star

Kepler-186f orbits a central star known as a red dwarf. Red dwarf stars are much smaller than our sun and are, overall, lower in temperature. The process of fusion occurs more slowly in a red dwarf and takes place all over – not just at the core – maintaining the lower temperature for longer periods of time compared to our sun.

-Identify the element that makes up the initial composition of the star.
– Explain the process of fusion between these atoms that occurs in all stars.

D) Discovering more about Kepler-186f
The ideal way to discover more about a planet is for humans to visit it. They can then collect samples and conduct any necessary experiments. Space travel for humans can be dangerous, though, and a decision on whether it is appropriate must be carefully weighed to determine whether it is worth the risk.

What are some health risks astronauts face during space travel?

Kepler-186f is approximately 490 light years away, which means that it would take a spacecraft moving at the speed of light about 500 years to reach it. It is therefore impossible to send people to the planet. Suggest other ways in which scientists can continue to discover more about this planet.