Write 1,500-3,000 words (excluding title and reference pages), double-spaced typed paper on the approved Health Service Administration.

Write 1,500-3,000 words (excluding title and reference pages), double-spaced typed paper on the approved Health Service Administration.

The assignment must be submitted on a Microsoft word document and must be in APA format (i.e. double spaced, times new roman, 12 font, .5 indentations, five references in APA format, etc.). Use headings for each section of your assignment.

The research paper should include the following:

Title Page: Student first and last name, Panther ID number, topic/title, course prefix number, and name (HSA 4700: Quality and Evidence-Based Healthcare Services; Section RVC) and instructor name (Dr. Carol Biggs).


Motivation to study this topic(Why this work is important; keep general and cite statements)
Objectives (Goals of this paper)
Organizational overview of the paper (will review 5 research articles etc.).

Literature Review:

Background information on the topic/title
specific information to assist the reader’s understanding
Identify and explain a minimum of 3 key terms

Analysis Approach (What was done; describe the population/subjects, methods, type of research; statistics used, etc.).

Introduction Paragraph Include database used for literature reviews and inclusion/exclusion criteria for choosing the five original research articles.
Author’s name of each 5 research articles
Type of Research
Results (What was found)
Author’s name of each 5 research articles
Result of the first major task

Discussion (how results contribute to knowledge in the field, e.g. compare results to literature)

Gaps in the research reviewed
Overall strengths and weaknesses of the research articles.
Needed future work in the field.


Summary of objectives and approach of this paper
Major findings of this paper
Important implications of this paper’s findings.
Recommendations based upon the review of these 5 research articles