How does the gatekeeping process change with the use of social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, and other platforms?

Questions for Discussion
Discuss the criteria used by news organizations to determine the news to be presented to their audiences. Include news values, and the norms and routines of news organizations that play a role in the selection process. Do these criteria still seem valid today?

In what ways does the gatekeeping process impact the audience?

2 How does the gatekeeping process change with the use of social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, and other platforms?

With social media, what is the relationship between gatekeepers and the gated? Who are the gatekeepers and the gated, anyway?

What is the impact or the consequences of this process?

3 Network gatekeeping theory, a broader view of traditional gatekeeping theory,
includes the ways in which technology itself serves as a gatekeeper. For example,

watch the following Ted Talk on YouTube and discuss: