How would you assess the ethical dimension of this email exchange between Blackwood and Sullivan?

Read the Being smart with electronic communications (Email Encounter Case 15.1) in Chapter 15, and evaluate this case. Among your own observations, include in your analysis answers to the following questions:

    • How does communicating electronically (email, text, social media, chat rooms, etc) vary from telephone conversations or written communications?
    • How does it (email, et al) influence the use of irony, humor, etc. in communications?
    • What special responsibilities (burdens?) do we have when communicating electronically?
    • How would you assess the ethical dimension of this email exchange between Blackwood and Sullivan?
    • What are the ways Shellenbergs article suggests that an email especially a terse email, can be read? Article attached below
    • Does the length of an email effect clarity? Or even the likelihood of a satisfactory reply?
    • How should you be sensitive to (more thinking before writing!!) email “styles”?

Write a two page memo to me evaluating Sullivan’s and Blackwell’s emails. Was either engaging in inappropriate or unethical conduct? Was this issue appropriate for email? How would you have handled this matter?