Why is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a threat to US interests, mission and values? Discuss and cite the two required materials in your response as well as your chosen additional article.

President Biden faces his biggest security and economic challenge to date with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The surprise invasion not only challenged US security plans in the region, rattled NATO allies and showed the willingness of Russia to take exorbitant security risks, it set off a global economic crisis that shows no signs of relenting. Watch the PBS overview of Biden’s foreign policy options and the Washington Post article on Biden’s coalition in Ukraine and choose one additional article or opinion piece to discuss in your forum post. Write a 500-800 word response to the follow prompt,

Why is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a threat to US interests, mission and values? Discuss and cite the two required materials in your response as well as your chosen additional article. Make sure to include an APA citation of your additional article below your post.