Are the results for Average time the same for each execution to the same target? Why or why not

More fun with ICMP

Now we will look at ICMP. Note that we looked at this in a previous lab but didn’t really understand its use. ICMP is useful for routing statistics and routers use it extensively for providing error and status results when trying to send IP packets. The following code uses a Python library called “icmplib”. (Install it if you need to.)

Use this function (“findRoute”) to display statistics that convey how IP packets must be routed to get to a specified target. First, call the function with your local machine’s IP address. Then, call the function with a destination or target of a remote machine. Call the function at least three times for each target. In this markdown section, answer the following questions:


  1. Are the results for Average time the same for each execution to the same target? Why or why not?
  2. Are the number of hops the same for each execution to the same target? Why or why not?