How would you as an analyst, use the 10 core principles to optimize an operational process.

Question 1 . Read the attached article on Operational excellence. Then, in a single Word document (excluding cover page and citations), APA style, 3 full pages minimum, answer the following questions.

  1. In your own words, define operational excellence
  2. List and briefly describe in your own words the 10 core principles
  3. How would you as an analyst, use the 10 core principles to optimize an operational process.
  4. Summarize the article including your key take-aways

Question 2 : Case Analysis Operational Problems Engaging Patient

In a single Word document 7 full pages (excluding cover page and citations), APA style, answer the following questions.

1. Identify the most important facts surrounding the case.

2. Identify the key issue or issues.

3. Specify alternative courses of action.

4. Evaluate each course of action.

5. Recommend the best course of action.