Describe the main events of the Citicorp crisis. What was William LeMessurier’s role? Did he, in your opinion, do anything morally wrong?

William LeMessuriers role? Did he, in your opinion, do anything morally

Describe the main events of the Citicorp crisis. What was William LeMessuriers role? Did he, in your opinion, do anything morally
How is the practice of engineering regulated in the United States and Canada?
What do technological optimists and pessimists disagree about? Do you think it would be possible to settle this dispute by collecting
empirical information about the consequences of using various technologies?
Explain the distinction between microethics and macroethics. Why might this distinction be (or not be) important?
Explain the relation between ethical and legal norms. Why do they not always coincide?
What is legal positivism? Do you think it is a plausible view?
A dictionary defines an engineer as someone who applies science and math to make the properties of matter and the sources of
energy in nature useful to people. How should we understand the term useful in this definition? Are childrens toys, computer
games, weapons, or malfunctioning devices useful in the relevant sense?