How does Motherwell express his feeling about the Republic loss? How does that compare to the other, more representational (yet still abstract) works?

The Spanish Civil War. Siqueiros’ Echo of a Scream and Picasso’s Guernica were both done in 1937 in response to the atrocities in the Spanish Civil War. Compare the two works. Consider emotional response from both artists, keeping in mind that Siqueiros fought in the War and Picasso did not. Then compare to Motherwell’s Elegy to the Spanish Republic, which was also a response to the war in Spain between the Fascists and the Republic. (An elegy is a poem or reflection of mourning.) How does Motherwell express his feeling about the Republic loss? How does that compare to the other, more representational (yet still abstract) works?

To earn the full ten points, your essay should be submitted on time, approximately 300-350 words long, and relevant to the topic. Responses are to be written in grammatically correct, traditional English—not as text messages.