Choose from one of the following sensationalized stories over the past several decades and analyze it.

Choose from one of the following sensationalized stories over the past several decades and analyze it.

As you have dove deeper into the text and saw how these stories take on a life of their own and how they change our world socially and even legally. I think you now have a much better understanding of how much of an influence these stories can have on us as a nation. And in turn how these stories can also be distorted to fit the agendas of our nation’s myth makers.

Stories to choose from:

  1. OJ Simpson
  2. JonBenet Ramsey
  3. The Memphis Three
  4. Elizabeth Smart
  5. Casey Anthony
  6. Ottis Toole (Adam Walsh)
  7. Jeffrey Dahmer

You may choose your own story but please run it by me first.

For the purposes of your paper I want you to look at one of these sensationalized stories and follow it from its inception to the latest story you can find on it. This paper is worth 35% of your grade