Does the secondary audience impact how you write the report?

D1: Primary and Secondary Audiences

You will share your understanding of primary and secondary audiences with your classmates and how this understanding impacts your business report.

The purpose of this discussion topic is to allow you to reflect on your audience for your final research-based report and to see how your fellow students’ concept of audience may have impacted their reports.

Please respond to the following items. Post your responses to these items to this discussion topic.

  1. Please conduct a search on the terms primary audience and secondary audience. List two sources you found and how they defined these two terms.
  2. For your research-based report, who is the primary audience? Who is the secondary audience?
  3. Does the secondary audience impact how you write the report? Please explain why or why not.

D2:Examining a sample synthesis lit review

Please examine the sample synthesis literature review, “Employee Retention and Turnover.” (BE AWARE: This paper is cited and lists references using APA 6th Edition)

(The review can be found in the Week 4 Content or under the Content heading “Sample Papers for WRTG 394.”)

Answer the following questions. Post your answers as your response to this discussion topic.

1. Discuss how well the student has synthesized the sources (base your response on your review of the sample synthesis essays and the video located in the Content area for Weeks #2 and #3).

  • Note one area where synthesis was well done. Explain in a sentence or two why the synthesis was effective in this part of the paper.
  • Note one area where synthesis could have been improved. Explain in a few sentences why the synthesis was not particularly effective in this part of the paper.

2. Check to see if the student writer has provided at least one citation for every source listed in the references for the student’s paper. Note whether the student has done this successfully or has failed to cite any source(s). Why is citing all sources listed as references important?