Choose 2 factors that you think possess the most explanatory power in determining why developing countries have such a difficult time becoming developed countries.

Choose 2 factors that you think possess the most explanatory power in determining why developing countries have such a difficult time becoming developed countries. And then discuss the idea or effort that you think offers the best hope for these countries to develop wisely with benefits for all their people. Also keep in mind that this must be between 400-700 words. Be sure to utilize the textbook and cite page numbers for any material ideas that originate from the textbook or other outside sources. For other sources, please put the source and work cited.

Reply to one classmate and offer informed support or a critique of any one of the three factors they discuss in their post like what they talked about for example (2 reasons explaining why a country is stuck in developing mode, or the 1 idea or effort that offers a way out of the difficulty) and the reply must be 200-300 good grammar.