What is the most stressful part of your life these days? Please write about the single most stressful part of your life as well as how this stressor is affecting your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

For this assignment, you are to apply some of the ideas in the reflection https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-pursui… to address a specific stressor in your life. You’ll need to read the reflection first before answering the following questions:

  1. What is the most stressful part of your life these days? Please write about the single most stressful part of your life as well as how this stressor is affecting your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
  1. What have you done to (unhealthfully) avoid or distract yourself from this stressor? How has this affected you?
  1. What could you do to address the underlying causes of this stressor? Please be specific and note not only what you could do, but how and when you could do it.
  1. What could you do to actively address and directly work through the difficult emotions you’re experiencing because of this stressor? Again, please be specific and note not only what you could do, but how and when you could do it. Finally, take some action related to your response to #3 or #4 above. Do something. Trust it will help. Then, answer the following questions:
  1. What action did you take to start addressing your stressor? How did it affect you totake this step?
  1. What did this project teach you about managing stress in your life? How would you like to approach stress differently in the future than you have in the past?