Do you think Sterenberg would believe it is possible for us to experience love at first sight?

Q1: Identify and describe the four types of "love" under Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love. Do you think Sterenberg would believe it is possible for us to experience love at first sight? Use to model to support your stance. (2 points)

Q2. Over the next week, enact two different relational maintenance strategies in
your own relationships. Identify relationships you currently have that you would
like to enhance. Consider your relationships with grandparents, roommates, long-distance
partners, friends, spouses, siblings. Enact two different strategies. Please select two
behavioral strategies from the following list:

1. Willingness to sacrifice
2. Play
3. Developing ritual
4. Disclosure
5. Placemaking

In your response, be sure to define the strategy and share specific information as to how you enacted it.
What was the recipient’s response? Do you think this act compromised, maintained,
or enhanced your relationship? (3 points)

Q3. Identify and describe each of the stages of Duck's relational dissolution model. Critics have argued that this model is too simplistic to accurately capture relational dissolution. Do you agree or disagree? Why? (3 points)

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