What did you do to resolve the issues of autonomous and positive face?

In this discussion we are examining ways we might support an autonomous and positive face at times of conflict. Begin by examining each of these concepts and offering an explanation based on what you learned from your readings. Next, provide an example of a time that this has happened to you or someone you know in your professional and personal experience. Make sure that you offer ONE example that demonstrates BOTH of these faces being threatened and explain these threats.

Note that concepts of face come from Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Theory. In the video below, you can learn more about these concepts (autonomous face is referred to in this video as “negative” face). Be sure to listen carefully to the examples that are offered and then consider your own experience where a conflict arose and there were threats to your faces.

What did you do to resolve the issues of autonomous and positive face? What communication strategies were (or should have been) used to address face threats? Were these strategies different for each face and why? Make sure your example is innovative and that scholarly sources are used throughout to support your discussion.

When replying to your peers, consider what they have described and offer your own recommendations, suggestions, or further thoughts. Try to respond first to someone who has yet to receive classmate feedback.