Consider the benefits of growing GMO seeds for crops with the potential negative consequences of using them. In your opinion, does Monsanto maintain an ethical culture that can respond to various stakeholders?

Over time, our understanding of the harmful effects of chemicals on the environment has evolved. Although Monsanto had tried to cover up Dioxin dumping in Alabama, at the time of the dumping (before 1950), the toxic nature of Dioxin was not well-known. Could history repeat itself with GMOs?

Does Monsanto fully understand the effects of growing millions of acres of GMOs in open environments?

Consider the benefits of growing GMO seeds for crops with the potential negative consequences of using them. In your opinion, does Monsanto maintain an ethical culture that can respond to various stakeholders?

What is your opinion on rBSE? on the use of Roundup? Is Monsanto managing the potential harm to plant and animal life from using GMOs and products such as Roundup and rBSE