Do you agree that Lauren’s hyperempathy is a liability? Or can it be regarded as an advantage or positive attribute? Or both? Explain your answer in about five paragraphs of around 100 words each.

Choose ONE of the following and respond in a 500-word essay.

This should be about a page and a half in standard college essay format: 1-inch margins, double-spaced, NO cover sheet.\ You must quote from Parable of the Sower, and use MLA style in-text citations and a Works Cited page.

1. Lauren, the protagonist in Butler’s novel, has “hyperempathy.” Hyperempathy for Lauren “is a liability that makes moving through the world more complicated and, for tactical reasons, requires those who have it to behave more ruthlessly,” in the words of Abby Aguirre, a freelance writer whose work has appeared in numerous top publications.


Do you agree that Lauren’s hyperempathy is a liability? Or can it be regarded as an advantage or positive attribute? Or both? Explain your answer in about five paragraphs of around 100 words each.

2. Butler’s novel has been described as a coming-of-age story, a hero’s journey, a climate change story, a prophetic tale about violence, racism and other destructive elements in the United States, a feminist novel, and more. However, it is also an examination of power.


Who has power in this story? How is power gained and retained? What form(s) does power take? Choose two or three examples to illustrate what the novel has to say about power or lack of it.

Keep your focus simple and narrow. Explain your answer in about five paragraphs of around 100 words each.