Describe four (4) examples of the combination of science and/or math and beauty in Islamic art. What is your overall impression of Islamic use of science and/or math for artwork, and why?

Watch the following video, and answer the questions below:

(Because this video is longer (also very good!) than the others, you will receive more points for this assignment.)

1) Describe four (4) examples of the combination of science and/or math and beauty in Islamic art. What is your overall impression of Islamic use of science and/or math for artwork, and why?

2) Describe what you learned from the video about how divisions between the Sunnis and the Shi’ites affected the development of Islamic styles of art. Give an example of how Sunni-Shi’ite differences in art was most interesting to you, and explain why you chose this example.

3) Describe your impressions of the creation processes of Islamic tiles that the journalist learned from shopkeeper (especially regarding the colors). Why do you think someone in today’s world would learn this craft (like the shopkeeper in the video)? Why do you think artists like the shopkeeper would attempt recreate the “Anatolian Bowl” color?

4) Identify an example of Islamic art featured in the video from each of the following geographic areas: the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Which of these examples was your favorite, and why?